Environmental Humanities Switzerland (EH-CH)

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Environmental Humanities Switzerland. Homepage.

EH-CH: Environmental Humanities Switzerland (website). http://environmentalhumanities.ch/.

The enormous scope and complexity of today’s environmental problems require knowledge derived from the natural and social sciences as well as the humanities, engaging experts within and beyond universities. While there is general agreement that contributions from the humanities are essential for understanding and mitigating environmental problems, differences remain about the core questions of the humanities in environmental research, the best ways for humanists to work with each other and with scientists, and the next steps for developing environmental research in the humanities.

Environmental Humanities Switzerland aims to become a key regional network in the growing worldwide movement to provide novel insights about humans in nature, especially through the goal of helping resolve complex environmental problems. Switzerland holds special potential to develop rich conversations between scientists and non-scientists, be they humanists, social scientists, artists, advocates, NGO specialists and community leaders. (Text from EH-CH)

The website of EH-CH: Environmental Humanities Switzerland updates visitors on past and current projects and events. The Resources page has information on how to apply and implement environmental humanities, and the EH-CH Blog elaborates on this approach.