Photograph: Theodore Roosevelt in Nahuel Huapi National Park, 1913

Unknown Photographer | from Multimedia Library Collection:
Archival Gems

Brochure of Nahuel Huapi National Park with Theodore Roosevelt standing on the shores of the lake. Photograph taken during his visit to the park in 1913 as a guest of Francisco Moreno.

Brochure of Nahuel Huapi National Park with Theodore Roosevelt standing on the shores of the lake. Photograph taken during his visit to the park in 1913 as a guest of Francisco Moreno. (Unknown photographer. Public Domain.)

This image appears in: Wakild, Emily. “Blurring Boundaries: Nahuel Huapi National Park.” Environment & Society Portal, Arcadia 2015, no. 5. Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society.

As the oldest park in South America, Nahuel Huapi served as a reference, a landmark, and a source of pride for proponents of other parks. Former United States president Teddy Roosevelt visited the future park area in 1913.

—Emily Wakild

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