Nina Möllers

Nina Möllers

Dr. Nina Möllers

Dr. Nina Möllers is head curator and project manager of the special exhibition “Welcome to the Anthropocene: The Earth in Our Hands.” She studied in Palo Alto, Tübingen, and Nashville, Tennessee and received her PhD in 2007 with a dissertation on “Creoles of Color in New Orleans.”

As part of a post-doc project at the Deutsches Museum she curated a special exhibition on the history of energy consumption in private households. Her publications include the exhibition catalogs Kabelsalat: Energiekonsum im Haushalt (2012) and Willkommen im Anthropozän: Unsere Verantwortung für die Zukunft der Erde (2015).

She is grateful to Josephine Musil-Gutsch, Vanessa Osganian, Brenda Black, Helmuth Trischler, Iris Trautmann, Eliza Encheva, and Dorothea Föcking for their collaboration on this digital companion exhibition.