Beschädigte Vegetation und sterbender Wald: Zur Entstehung eines Umweltproblems in Deutschland 1893–1970

Bemmann, Martin | from Multimedia Library Collection:
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Beschädigte Vegetation und sterbender Wald. Cover.

Bemmann, Martin. Beschädigte Vegetation und sterbender Wald: Zur Entstehung eines Umweltproblems in Deutschland 1893–1970. Umwelt und Gesselschaft, edited by Christof Mauch, Helmuth Trischler, and Frank Uekötter, vol. 5. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co, 2012.

Martin Bemmann focuses on the debate in Germany about forest damage due to air pollution to shed light on the greater picture of how the approach towards environmental problems has changed over time. The primarily economic concerns of the late nineteenth century had become a socially relevant environmental problem by the 1970s, a problem that would become familiar worldwide as Waldsterben, “forest dieback.” The book selects five key moments in this ongoing discussion and shows how the shift in the public discourse and policy was embedded in socio-economic, political and ideological developments in German society. (Text adapted from Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht and the Rachel Carson Center)

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