“Challenges and Opportunities in Scaling Up Ecosystem Restoration”

Suding, Katharine | from Multimedia Library Collection:
Environmental Film Profiles (videos)


Suding, Katharine. “Challenges and Opportunities in Scaling Up Ecosystem Restoration.” Presentation at the Latsis Symposium, ETH Zurich, 6 June 2018, TIB AV-Portal, 50:49, https://doi.org/10.5446/37725. CC BY-NC-ND 2.5 CH.

Katharine Suding, plant ecologist and professor at the University of Michigan, outlines the scaling of ecosystem restoration and how it is affecting the very notion of restoration in this presentation at the Latsis Symposium 2018. She argues that we are changing our scientific framework and conceptual ideas of restoration as we scale up, and promotes three guidelines for the future of ecosystem restoration: ecological and socially balanced restoration guided by comprehensive principles; flexibility to restore in response to social and ecological context; and minimum criteria to guide best practices.

The Latsis Symposium 2018 brings together some of the world’s leading forest restoration scientists at ETH Zürich to address the ecological, economic, and societal challenges for scaling-up forest restoration. It is motivated by the challenge of delivering an effective global response to two major environmental threats, climate change and forest degradation. (Source: TIB AV-Portal)

Courtesy of the former Göttingen-based Institut für den Wissenschaftlichen Film (IWF, closed 2010), a large selection of environmental documentaries and educational films is available for on-site viewing at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society in Munich. The IWF’s broad and diverse collection of scientific films is now searchable within the TIB (German National Library of Science and Technology) AV-Portal. The Rachel Carson Center’s Environment & Society Portal has made a selection of environmentally relevant films from the IWF with Creative Commons licenses discoverable within its environmental film profiles collection.