"Climate Change, Economic Analysis and Sustainable Development"

Padilla, Emilio | from Multimedia Library Collection:
Environmental Values (journal)

Padilla, Emilio. “Climate Change, Economic Analysis and Sustainable Development.” Environmental Values 13, no. 4 (2004): 523–44. doi:10.3197/0963271042772622.

This paper discusses the limitations, omissions and value judgements of the application of conventional economic analysis in the evaluation of climate change mitigation policies. It is argued that these have biased the result of the assessment models towards the recommendation of less aggressive mitigation strategies. Consequently, this paper questions whether they provide appropriate policy recommendations. The unequal distribution of rights implicitly assumed in conventional economic analyses applied to climate change is questioned and an alternative approach considering a distribution of rights consistent with sustainable development is put forward. Finally, the points that an analysis consistent with sustainable development should take into account are presented.
— Text from The White Horse Press website

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