About this collection

Interdisciplinary in scope and centered on the environmental humanities, this unique, burgeoning selection of articles from academic journals highlights current areas of debate on links between environment and society. It features journals such as Environmental Values, Environment and History, Global Environment, Environmental Humanities, Climate of the Past, International Review of Environmental History, and Conservation & Society.
Showing 721–735 of 1226 results
"The Last European Landscape to be Colonised: A Case Study of Land-Use Change in the Far North of Sweden 1850–1930"
Andersson, Rikard, Lars Östlund, and Erik Törnlund
Smith, Alison K., "Public Works in an Autocratic State: Water Supplies in an Imperial Russian Town"
Smith, Alison K.
"How the Coast Became High: An Historical Introduction to the High Coast (Hoega kusten) World Heritage Site in Sweden"
Nordlund, Christer
"If John Muir Had Been an Agrarian: American Environmental History West and South"
Stewart, Mart A.
"Overseeing the Family of Whitefishes: The Priorities and Debates of Coregonid Management on America's Great Lakes, 1870–2000"
Chiarappa, Michael J.
"Deforestation, Forest Transitions, and Institutions for Sustainability in Southeastern Mexico, 1900–2000"
Barton Bray, David, and Peter Klepeis
"'Free, Bold, Joyous:' The Love of Seaweed in Margaret Gatty and Other Mid-Victorian Writers"
Hunt, Stephen E.
"A Soil Conservation Safari: Hugh Bennett's 1944 Visit to South Africa"
Dodson, Belinda
"Hugh Cleghorn and Forest Conservancy in India"
Das, Pallavi
"'A Convulsed and Magic Country:' Tourism and Resource Histories in the Mexican Caribbean"
Redclift, Michael
Swart, Jac A.A., "Care for the Wild: An Integrative View on Wild and Domesticated Animals"
Swart, Jac A.A.
"Reproductive Liberty and Overpopulation: Reply to Stanley Warner"
Kates, Carol A.
"Introduction: Nature, Environmental Ethics, and Continental Philosophy"
Stone, Alison
"'The World Must be Romanticised...': The (Environmental) Ethical Implications of Schelling's Organic Worldview"
Miller, Elaine P.
"Wildness as a Critical Border Concept: Nietzsche and the Debate on Wilderness Restoration"
Drenthen, Martin