About this collection

Interdisciplinary in scope and centered on the environmental humanities, this unique, burgeoning selection of articles from academic journals highlights current areas of debate on links between environment and society. It features journals such as Environmental Values, Environment and History, Global Environment, Environmental Humanities, Climate of the Past, International Review of Environmental History, and Conservation & Society.
Showing 1111–1125 of 1226 results
"Strategies of Environmental Organisations in the Netherlands regarding the Ozone Depletion Problem"
Pleune, Ruud
"Nature Conservation and the Precautionary Principle"
Francis, John M.
"Global Population Growth and the Demise of Nature"
Warner, Stanley, Mark Feinstein, Raymond Coppinger, and Elisabeth Clemence
"Approaches to Conserving Vulnerable Wildlife in China: Does the Colour of Cat Matter—if it Catches Mice?"
Harris, Richard B.
"A Political-Ecology Approach to Wildlife Conservation in Kenya"
Akama, John S., Christopher L. Lant, and G. Wesley Burnett
"The Emperor has no Clothes...Let us Paint our Loincloths Rainbow: A Classical and Feminist Critique of Contemporary Science Policy"
Macintosh, Alastair
"'Penetrating' Foreign Lands: Contestations Over African Landscapes. A Case Study from Eastern Zimbabwe"
Schmidt, Heike
“Introduction,” Environment and History 1, no. 3, Zimbabwe special issue (October 1995)
McGregor, JoAnn
"Conservation, Control and Ecological Change: The Politics and Ecology of Colonial Conservation in Shurugwi, Zimbabwe"
McGregor, JoAnn
"'Water Used to be Scattered in the Landscape': Local Understandings of Soil Erosion and Land Use Planning in Southern Zimbabwe"
Wilson, K. B.
"Local Environmental Conservation Strategies: Karanga Religion, Politics and Environmental Control"
Mukamuri, B. B.
"Water as a Weapon: The History of Water Supply Development in Nkayi District, Zimbabwe"
Cleaver, Frances
"Conflicts over Development and Environmental Values: The International Ivory Trade in Zimbabwe's Historical Context"
Hill, Kevin A.
"The Control of Alkali Pollution in St. Helens, 1862–1890"
Hawes, Richard
"Imperial Science Rescues a Tree: Global Botanic Networks, Local Knowledge and the Transcontinental Transplantation of Cinchona"
Philip, Kavita