About this collection

Interdisciplinary in scope and centered on the environmental humanities, this unique, burgeoning selection of articles from academic journals highlights current areas of debate on links between environment and society. It features journals such as Environmental Values, Environment and History, Global Environment, Environmental Humanities, Climate of the Past, International Review of Environmental History, and Conservation & Society.
Showing 286–300 of 1226 results
Granjou, Céline and Juan Francisco Salazar
"Down to Earth: Geosocialities and Geopolitics"
Palsson, Gisli and Heather Anne Swanson
"Shaping an Ear for Climate Change: The Silarjuapomorphizing Music of Alaskan Composer John Luther Adams"
Chisholm, Dianne
“Austere Conservation: Understanding Conflicts over Resource Governance in Tanzanian Wildlife Management Areas”
Bluwstein, Jevgeniy, Francis Moyo, and Rose Peter Kicheleri
"Failure by Design? Revisiting Tanzania’s Flagship Wildlife Management Area Burunge"
Moyo, Francis, Jasper Ijumba, and Jens Friis Lund
"Pooling Expert Opinion on Environmental Discounting: An International Delphi Survey"
Martínez-Paz, José, Carmen Almansa, Valero Casasnovas, and José Colino
"Environmental Leaders and Indigenous Engagement in Australia: A Cosmopolitan Endeavour?"
McGaurr, Lyn, Bruce Tranter, and Libby Lester
"Environmental Leaders and Indigenous Engagement in Australia: A Cosmopolitan Endeavour?"
McGaurr, Lyn, Bruce Tranter, and Libby Lester
"Understanding the Relationship between Governance and Forest Landscape Restoration"
Mansourian, Stephanie
Review of Naturalezas en conflicto [Natures in Conflict] by José A. Cortés Vázquez
Raga, Ferran Pons
"Recognising Land Rights for Conservation? Tenure Reforms in the Northern Sierra Madre, the Philippines"
Van der Ploeg, Jan, Dante M. Aquino, Tessa Minter, and Merlijn van Weerd
Review of World Heritage Sites and Indigenous Peoples’ Rights by Stefan Disko and Helen Tugehndhat (eds.)
Verschuuren, Bas
"Boreal Forest Prospects and Politics: Paradoxes of First Nations Participation in Multi-sector Conservation"
Willow, Anna J.
"The Political Ecology of Human-wildlife Conflict: Producing Wilderness, Insecurity, and Displacement in the Limpopo National Park"
Massé, Francis
"Investigating Consistency of a Pro-market Perspective amongst Conservationists"
Blanchard, Libby, Chris G. Sandbrook, Janet A. Fisher, and Bhaskar Vira