About this collection

Interdisciplinary in scope and centered on the environmental humanities, this unique, burgeoning selection of articles from academic journals highlights current areas of debate on links between environment and society. It features journals such as Environmental Values, Environment and History, Global Environment, Environmental Humanities, Climate of the Past, International Review of Environmental History, and Conservation & Society.
Showing 676–690 of 1226 results
"Local Deliberation and the Favouring of Nature"
Zwart, Ivan
"Empires of Forestry: Professional Forestry and State Power in Southeast Asia, Part 2"
Vandergeest, Peter, and Nancy Lee Peluso
"Mining the Reefs and Cays: Coral, Guano and Rock Phosphate Extraction in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, 1844–1940"
Daley, Ben, and Peter Griggs
"Interstate Water Pollution Problems and Elusive Federal Water Pollution Policy in the United States, 1900–1948"
Paavola, Jouni
"Weird and Wonderful: The First Objects of the National Historical Collection"
Robin, Libby
"Soil Erosion, Scientists and the Development of Conservation Tillage Techniques in the Queensland Sugar Industry, 1935–1995"
Griggs, Peter
"'Forsaken Spot' to 'Classic Ground': Geological Heritage in Australia and the Recuperative Power of the Deep Past"
Douglas, Kirsty
"'An Enemy of the Rabbit:' The Social Context of Acclimatisation of an Immigrant Killer"
Wells, Philippa K.
"Rhododendron ponticum in Britain and Ireland: Social, Economic and Ecological Factors in its Successful Invasion"
Dehnen-Schmutz, Katharina, and Mark Williamson
"National Metabolism and Communications Technology Development in the United States, 1790–2000"
Tilley, David Rogers
"The History (1620–2003) of Land Use, People and Livestock, and the Relationship to Present Plant Species Diversity in a Rural Landscape in Sweden"
Dahlström, Anna, Sara A.O. Cousins, and Ove Eriksson
"A History of the Hima Conservation System"
Gari, Lutfallah
"Selling the Space Age: NASA and Earth's Environment, 1958–1990"
McQuaid, Kim
"The Rivers Come: Colonial Flood Control and Knowledge Systems in the Indus Basin, 1840s–1930s"
Weil, Benjamin
"Empires of Forestry: Professional Forestry and State Power in Southeast Asia, Part 1"
Vandergeest, Peter, and Nancy Lee Peluso