About this collection

The Books & Profiles collection contains full-text books, excerpts, profiles, and reviews of books on the human-environment relationship. The Rachel Carson Center partners with Berghahn Books to produce the environmental book series The Environment in History: International Perspectives and with Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht on the German language Umwelt und Gesellschaft. The collection profiles books on the human-environment relationship from other academic publishers such as White Horse Press, University of Calgary Press, Open Humanities Press, and University of Pittsburgh Press. It also features dialogues between environmental authors and critics through the H-Environment Roundtable Reviews

Showing 346–360 of 477 results
Republic of Shade: New England and the American Elm
Campanella, Thomas J.
Politics, Pollution and Pandas: An Environmental Memoir
Train, Russell E.
Les propriétés collectives face aux attaques libérales (1750–1914). Europe occidentale et Amérique latine [Collective Properties in the Face of Liberal Attacks (1750–1914)]
Demélas, Marie-Danielle, and Nadine Vivier, eds.
A Venetian Island: Environment, History and Change in Burano
Sciama, Lidia D.
The Green Agenda in American Politics: New Strategies for the Twenty-First Century
Duffy, Robert J.
The Eighteenth-Century Climate of Jamaica Derived from the Journals of Thomas Thistlewood, 1750-1786
Chenoweth, Michael
Man and Nature; or, Physical Geography as Modified by Human Action
Marsh, George Perkins
Frigid Embrace: Politics, Economics, and Environment in Alaska
Haycon, Stephen
Just Ecological Integrity: The Ethics of Maintaining Planetary Life
Miller, Peter, and Laura Westra, eds.
Driven Wild: How the Fight against Automobiles Launched the Modern Wilderness Movement
Sutter, Paul S.
Conservation and Mobile Indigenous Peoples: Displacement, Forced Settlement and Sustainable Development
Chatty, Dawn, and Marcus Colchester, eds.
Where Land and Water Meet: A Western Landscape Transformed
Langston, Nancy
The Culture of German Environmentalism: Anxieties, Visions, Realities
Goodbody, Axel, ed.
Saving the Planet: The American Response to the Environment in the Twentieth Century
Rothman, Hal K
The People's Forests
Marshall, Robert