About this collection

The VideoDictionary is a teaching tool developed by the KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory. The full dictionary is available here: EHL VideoDictionary.

We envision the VideoDictionary as a teaching tool and hope that teachers and students from all over the world will find the various entries useful for their own specific purposes. Each scholar has agreed to talk for about 10 minutes. It is, of course, a big challenge to cover complex concepts in such a short time. But we believe that the effort is worthwhile, as it makes the VideoDictionary a manageable tool which can be easily integrated into a course without “occupying” it, a series of provocations and illuminations that start discussions rather than ending them. Produced by the KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory at the Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment. (Source: KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory)

Showing 16–17 of 17 results
EHL VideoDictionary: Nuclear
Masco, Joseph
EHL VideoDictionary: Recycling
Jørgensen, Finn Arne