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The interdisciplinary academic journal Environment and History is published by the White Horse Press. Its intention is to to bring scholars in the humanities and biological sciences closer together, with the aim of constructing long and well-founded perspectives on present day environmental problems. (Text adapted from the journal’s homepage).

The Environment & Society Portal offers a growing selection of representative articles from the journal.

Showing 226–240 of 312 results
Review of A History of Water in Modern England and Wales by John Hassan
Goddard, Nicholas
"Changes in Landscape or in Interpretation? Reflections Based on the Environmental and Socio-economic History of a Village in NE Botswana"
Dahlberg, Annika C., and Piers M. Blaikie
"Human Factors, Extreme Events and Floods in the Lower Po Plain (Northern Italy) in the 16th Century"
Guidoboni, Emanuela
"Science and the Desiccationist Discourse of the 20th Century"
Saberwal, Vasant K.
"Potash Production in Northern Sweden: History and Ecological Effects of a Pre-industrial Forest Exploitation"
Östlund, L., O. Zackrisson, and H. Strotz
"The Politics of Conservation in France in the 19th Century"
Matagne, Patrick
"Book Reviews"
Rackham, Oliver, A.T. Grove, and Sheail, John
"Simulating the Past: Reconstructing Historical Land Use and Modeling Hydrological Trends in a Watershed Area in Java"
Nibbering, Jan Willem, and Jan de Graaf
"Editorial" for Environment and History 4, no.2, Australia special issue (June, 1998)
Dargavel, John
"European Farming, Australian Pests: Agricultural Settlement and Environmental Disruption in Australia, 1800–1920"
Frost, Warwick
"Land Improvement or Institutionalised Destruction? The Ringbarking Controversy, 1879–1884, and the Emergence of a Conservation Ethic in New South Wales"
Stubbs, Brett J.
"The Coming of Age to Australian Forests"
Dargavel, John
"On the Margins of the Littoral Society: The New South Wales South Coast since 1945"
Brown, Nicholas
"Kafka in the Forest: A Personal Note on Monga Forest and Contemporary History in New South Wales"
Herbst, Peter
"Historical and Applied Perspectives on Prehistoric Land Use in Eastern North America"
Peacock, Evan