Deep Blue—A Natural History of the Oceans

from Multimedia Library Collection:
Environmental Film Profiles (videos)

Fothergill, Alastair and Andy Byatt. Deep Blue—A Natural History of the Oceans. Berlin: Greenlight Media GmbH, 2003. 35 mm, 90 min.

A visually and acoustically stunning screen event, Deep Blue took several years to film on locations all over the world. This one-of-a-kind look at our oceans is one of the most extraordinary and lavish projects ever made in the field of documentary film, magically pulling the viewer into the fascinating life pulsing beneath the surface of our seas. The journey leads from shallow coral reefs to the inhospitable coasts of the Antarctic, and from the vast reaches of the open sea to the deepest abysses of the oceans, a realm of eternal darkness. (Source: Greenlight Media GmbH)

© 2003 Greenlight Media GmbH. Trailer used with permission.

About the Environmental Film Profiles collection

Further readings: 
  • Beer, Tom. Environmental Oceanography. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1997.
  • Juda, Lawrence. International Law and Ocean Use Management. New York: Routledge, 1996.