Die große Transformation [The Great Transformation]

Hamann, Alexandra, Claudia Zea-Schmidt, and Reinhold Leinfelder | from Multimedia Library Collection:
Books & Profiles

The Great Transformation (cover of the German version), 2013


The Great Transformation (cover of the English version), 2014


Hamann, Alexandra, Claudia Zea-Schmidt, and Reinhold Leinfelder. Die große Transformation [The Great Transformation]. Berlin: Jacoby & Stuart, 2013.

[C]limate change cannot be denied. If our societies are supposed to function smoothly in fifty years’ time, we have to learn and practice sustainable living and management. For this purpose scientists, politicians, and citizens need to act jointly. This book illustrates the central ideas in the form of a comic. — Jacoby & Stuart website.

To view the full text of the English version (2014), please click here.