Earth First! 8, no. 4

from Multimedia Library Collection:
Earth First! Movement Writings

Earth First! Fist, Volume Eight

Foreman, Dave, et al., eds., Earth First! 8, no. 4 (20 March 1988). Republished by the Environment & Society Portal, Multimedia Library.

In this issue of Earth First!, Dave Foreman questions the rule for successful environmental advocacy, Todd Steiner calls for attention to the dolphin slaughter occuring in eastern tropical Pacific Ocean, Tanja Keogh discusses the US government Animal Damage Control (ADC), and longtime Forest activist and EF!er Howie Wolke fills up eight pages with a tabloid on the management of National Forests.    

A new generation of Earth First!ers have also failed to learn that they should only choose easy issues. Stop an aerial wolf hunt in interior British Columbia in the middle of the winter? Parachute in to do it? Haw, haw. Grow up, kids.[…]. Their incredible dedication and courage inspired EF!ers and members of Friends of the Wolf […]. Know what? I’m proud to know such immature, silly, impractical people. I call them heroes. 

— Dave Foreman

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The Rachel Carson Center’s Environment & Society Portal makes archival materials openly accessible for purposes of research and education. Views expressed in these materials do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the Rachel Carson Center or its partners.

Further readings: 
  • Abbey, Edward. The Monkey Wrench Gang. New York: Lippincott, 1975.
  • Foreman, Dave, and Howie Wolke. The Big Outside: A Descriptive Inventory of the Big Wilderness Areas of the United States. New York: Harmony Books, 1992.
  • Foreman, Dave. Confessions of an Eco-Warrior. New York: Harmony Books, 1991.
  • Manes, Christopher. Green Rage: Radical Environmentalism and the Unmaking of Civilization. Boston: Little, Brown, 1990.
  • Merchant, Carolyn. Radical Ecology: The Search for a Livable World. London: Routledge, 1992.
  • Taylor, Bron. “Earth First!’s Religious Radicalism.” In Ecological Prospects: Scientific, Religious, and Aesthetic Perspectives, edited by Christopher Key Chapple, 185-209. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1994.
  • Wall, Derek. Earth First! and the Anti-Roads Movement: Radical Environmentalism and Comparative Social Movements. Oxon: Routledge Chapman & Hall, 1999.