Earth First! News, no. 8 (Summer 2012)

from Multimedia Library Collection:
Earth First! Movement Writings

Earth First! News, 2012. First page.

Earth First! News no. 8 (Summer 2012). Republished by the Environment & Society Portal, Multimedia Library.

This issue of Earth First! News chronicles direct action and events on fracking, anti-coal, -logging, and -mining, wildlife, pollution, fossil fuel extraction, and the Earth First! Prisoner Support Project, from March to July 2012.

JULY 8 - EF! BLOCKADE SHUTS DOWN FRACK DRILLING. Nearly 100 Earth First! activists, friends and allies forced a 70-foot-tall EQT hydro fracking drill rig to suspend operations for 12 hours in Pennsylvania’s Moshannon State Forest. This is the first time that protesters have shut down a hydro frack drilling operation in the US. A sky pod hung above the access road, with their anchor ropes blocking it. A second person was also in a tree to support the pod-sitter while dozens of supporters guarded ten large debris piles that were across the road. Another group of activists blockaded the entrance to the access road. The State Police, with the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, dispersed the blockade around 9pm and removed the blockade with a firetruck ladder. Police made three arrests for disorderly conduct, but protesters were cited and released on-site.

  —Earth First! News

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