
Roy, Sumana | from Multimedia Library Collection:

Ángeles Martínez Pomata, Stratified Soil, 2018. Oil on canvas, 24 x 19 cm.

Roy, Sumana. “Earthworm.” Springs: The Rachel Carson Center Review, no. 2 (December 2022).

From here, life seems like background noise,

speech a fossil from a disobedient time,

cleanliness a bed for the frail and aging.

And light a lazy animal that often stops to rest—

it has no curiosity, it never travels underground.

(From the poem)

This poem was originally published in Springs: The Rachel Carson Center Review. The journal is an online publication featuring peer-reviewed articles, creative nonfiction, and artistic contributions that showcase the work of the Rachel Carson Center and its community across the world.

2022 Sumana Roy

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