"Ecological Restoration, Environmentalism and the Dutch Politics of 'New Nature'"

van der Heijden, Hein-Anton | from Multimedia Library Collection:
Environmental Values (journal)

van der Heijden, Hein-Anton. “Ecological Restoration, Environmentalism and the Dutch Politics of ‘New Nature.’” Environmental Values 14, no. 4 (2005): 427–46. doi:10.3197/096327105774462700.

‘New nature’ refers to the current practice in which ten thousands of hectares of superfluous agricultural lands are “given back to nature,” compensating for the loss of “old nature” in other parts of the Netherlands. Around the issue of “new nature” two discourses have emerged. In each discourse different environmental values are emphasised: about what nature is or could be; about the relationship between nature, agriculture and development; about ecological mitigation, and so on. Whereas the Dutch branch of WWF is the most active promoter of the sectorial nature development discourse, environmental groups like Friends of the Earth try to weigh these sectorial interests against the background of increasing environmental degradation.
— Text from The White Horse Press website

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