Interview with Amelia Moore, author of Destination Anthropocene

Thurner, Lance C. | from Multimedia Library Collection:
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Thurner, Lance C. “Amelia Moore, ‘Destination Anthropocene: Science and Tourism in The Bahamas.’” New Books in Science, Technology, and Society, August 21, 2020. Mp3, 45:52.

Despite being a minor contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions, like many other small island nations, The Bahamas’s ecology and society are especially vulnerable to current and expected changes to the oceans and the climate. Spectacular coral reefs, low-lying islands, and a social life oriented towards the sea makes The Bahamas a posterchild of the existential dangers of global warming. At the same time, The Bahamas’s economy, firmly founded on tourism, also heavily depends upon airline and cruise line fossil fuel consumption.

Wading into this nexus, Amelia Moore casts an ethnographic eye towards the scientists, conservationists, educators, politicians, fisherpeople, and tourism boosters who attempt to understand and react to an age of ecological volatility. In contrast to assumptions of scientific objectivity and independence, Moore finds that science, politics, and business are deeply entangled in ways that are not apolitical and which require scrutiny to make adaptations to climate change more democratic and equitable. (Source: New Books Network)

In this episode of New Books in Science, Technology, and Society, Lance C. Thurner interviews Amelia Moore, Assistant Professor of Sustainable Coastal Tourism and Recreation at the University of Rhode Island. Moore has recently published the book Destination Anthropocene: Science and Tourism in The Bahamas.

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