Interview with Peter Singer, author of Why Vegan?: Eating Ethically

Molloy, Mark | from Multimedia Library Collection:
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Molloy, Mark. “Peter Singer, ‘Why Vegan?: Eating Ethically.’” New Books in Science, Technology, and Society, December 3, 2020. Mp3, 59:44.

Even before the publication of his seminal Animal Liberation in 1975, Peter Singer, one of the greatest moral philosophers of our time, unflinchingly challenged the ethics of eating animals. Now, in Why Vegan?: Eating Ethically (Liveright, 2020), Singer brings together the most consequential essays of his career to make this devastating case against our failure to confront what we are doing to animals, to public health, and to our planet. (Source: New Books Network)

In this episode of New Books in Science, Technology, and Society, Mark Molloy interviews Peter Singer, author of Why Vegan?: Eating Ethically.

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