Journey to the Safest Place on Earth

from Multimedia Library Collection:
Environmental Film Profiles (videos)

Hagen, Edgar. Journey to the Safest Place on Earth. Zürich: Mira Film, 2013. HD, 100 min.

The lethal, highly radioactive nuclear waste from decades of nuclear power use is to be disposed of in final repositories for centuries to come. Safe places are being searched for throughout the world. Edgar Hagen examines the limitations and contradictions of this global quest. (Source: Autlook Filmsales)

© 2013 Autlook Filmsales. Trailer used with permission.

This film is available at the Rachel Carson Center Library (RCC, 4th floor, Leopoldstrasse 11a, 80802 Munich) for on-site viewing only. For more information, please contact

About the Environmental Film Profiles collection

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