Mendocino Environmental Center Newsletter, Issue 17

from Multimedia Library Collection:
Earth First! Movement Writings

Mendocino Environmental Center Newsletter, Issue 17, front page

Mendocino Environmental Center Newsletter, Issue 17 (Fall 1994). Environment and Society Portal. Multimedia Library.

In this issue of Mendocino Environmental Center Newsletter, Dana Stolzman discusses the Headwaters Forest Act; Gary Ball updates on the County Forest Practice Rules; and Bruce Haldane writes about the bombing of the Earth First! activists, Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney. 

A bomb exploded under the seat of Earth First! activist Judi Bari some four and a half years ago as she was driving on an Oakland, California street. Bari survived that blast—though she remains permanently disabled—and now she’s getting in a few licks of her own.

—Bruce Haldane

All rights reserved. This issue is available at the library of the Rachel Carson Center at the LMU Munich. To request access for research purposes, contact us at

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