Mendocino Environmental Center Newsletter, Issue 21

from Multimedia Library Collection:
Earth First! Movement Writings

Mendocino Environmental Center Newsletter, Issue 21, front page

Mendocino Environmental Center Newsletter, Issue 21 (Spring 1996). Environment and Society Portal. Multimedia Library.

This issue of Mendocino Environmental Center Newsletter reports on protests against the deforestation of the Albion River watershed; composting the Potter Valley, updates on Headwaters Forest, wolves, hemp, “Economic Aspects of Ecoforestry,” and candidate’s positions for an upcoming election for Congress, State Assembly, and county supervisor. Charles Sullivan writes on “Giving Birth to the Warrior Spirit: The End of Environmentalism.” It is labeled “part 1.”

For years the term environmentalism was adequate to describe the labor of wilderness advocates working across a wide spectrum of groups and issues. Yet as the wilderness movement has grown in sophistication and become more visionary, ”environmentalism” may be a term that no longer sufficiently describes the real work of conservation.

—Charles Sullivan

All rights reserved. This issue is available at the library of the Rachel Carson Center at the LMU Munich. To request access for research purposes, contact us at

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