Pathways: Exploring the Routes of a Movement Heritage

Svensson, Daniel, Katarina Saltzman, and Sverker Sörlin (eds.) | from Multimedia Library Collection:
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Pathways. Cover.

Svensson, Daniel, Katarina Saltzman, and Sverker Sörlin, eds. Pathways: Exploring the Routes of a Movement Heritage. Winwick: The White Horse Press, 2022.

Landscapes of mobility have been shaped by hiking, hunting, outdoor life, tourism, sports, and physical training for centuries. They are historical remains of those activities, while simultaneously being the infrastructure for present-day usages. The demand for places suitable for movement, training and events continue to grow, and hiking trails are a key component in the rise of nature-based tourism, sport events such as trail running and mountain biking, and the increasing interest in outdoor life and hiking. So far, the historical and heritage aspects of these developments have been underarticulated. However, the Norwegian heritage board together with the Norwegian Tourist Association (Den Norske Turistforening, DNT) have initiated a project around historical hiking trails that have been attracting attention over the last couple of years. Similar attempts are now being made in Sweden, England, and elsewhere. There is need for a more explicit discussion about trails as heritage. With this anthology we will contribute with precisely that through gathering leading scholars in Europe and beyond around this subject and engaging them in dialogue. (Source: The White Horse Press)

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