Prince Albert National Park

Williams, M. B. | from Multimedia Library Collection:
Books & Profiles

Prince Albert National Park. Cover.

Williams, M. B. Prince Albert National Park. Ottawa: Department of the Interior, 1928. Republished on the Environment & Society Portal.

It is here, with one gateway opening to the Prairies, that the Dominion Government has recently established the new national playground, “Prince Albert Park.” The reserve is a generous one covering approximately forty-four townships and including about 1,868 square miles. This beautiful lake and woodland region, characteristic of much of the northern part of Canada, will not only provide a rich recreational area for this section of the Dominion, but it adds another interesting example of typical Canadian scenery to the magnificent system of public reservations already set aside in Canada’s National Parks. (Text from Chapter 1)

This 1928 guidebook about the Saskatchewan park includes a foreword credited to Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King—but written by M. B. Williams. Her name would be removed entirely from the 1935 edition.

Public domain.

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