McNeill, John R. Review of El metabolismo de la economía española: Recursos naturales y huella ecológica 1955–2000 by Óscar Carpintero. Global Environment 1 (2008): 216–23.
John McNeill reviews economist Óscar Carpintero’s history of resource use in the Spanish economy. His verdict: “It will be quite some time before anyone needs to write another history of resource use in the Spanish economy in the second half of the twentieth century. Carpintero has covered the subject in great detail and with great insight.”
For the complete review please follow the link to The White Horse Press or click the Download PDF button below.
All rights reserved. Made available on the Environment & Society Portal for nonprofit educational purposes only, courtesy of Gabriella Corona, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche / National Research Council of Italy (CNR), and XL edizioni s.a.s.
- Carpintero, Óscar. El metabolismo de la economía española: Recursos naturales y huella ecológica 1955–2000. Madrid: Fundación César Manrique, 2005.