“Technology's Epic Story”

Kelly, Kevin | from Multimedia Library Collection:
Environmental TED Talks (videos)

TED Talk: Kevin Kelly on ‘Technology’s Epic Story.’ “Environmental TED Talks Collection,” 16:33. Filmed November 2009. http://www.ted.com/talks/kevin_kelly_tells_technology_s_epic_story.

In this wide-ranging, thought-provoking talk, Kevin Kelly muses on what technology means in our lives — from its impact at the personal level to its place in the cosmos. There may be no one better to contemplate the meaning of cultural change than Kevin Kelly, whose life story reads like a treatise on the value and impacts of technology. Kelly has been a publisher of the Whole Earth Review, an executive editor at WIRED, the founder of visionary nonprofits, and a writer on biology, business, and “cool tools.” He’s admired for his new perspectives on technology and its relevance to history, biology, and religion. Whether by renouncing all material things save his bicycle (which he has ridden for over 3,000 miles), founding an organization (the All-Species Foundation) to catalog all life on earth, or by touting new gadgets in WIRED, Kelly hasn’t stopped exploring the phenomena of technical and biological creation. (Source: TED)

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