Forest Voice Primer, "Diminishing America: Our Vanishing Forest Legacy,"(4th ed.), 1996

from Multimedia Library Collection:
Earth First! Movement Writings

Forest Voice Primer (4th ed.). Front page.

Forest Voice Primer, “Diminishing America: Our Vanishing Forest Legacy,” 4th ed. (1996). Republished by the Environment and Society Portal. Multimedia Library.

A 1996 primer by the Native Forest Council introduces the dire situation of America’s national forests, its origins, and explains why it continues. It introduces the National Forest Protection Acts draft legislation and suggests concrete ideas for what citizens and activists can do to stem deforestation.  

America’s national forests belong to the entire nation; to present and future generations. They provide us with many enduring and essential values beyond wood and paper. They moderate the climate, produce oxygen and clean water, are the source of medicines, prevent flooding, support healthy fisheries, and contribute to the quality of our lives.

—Native Forest Council

© 1996 Native Forest Council. All rights to articles appearing in Forest Voice are reserved but the publisher writes “we are pleased to allow reprinting if credit is given.” 

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