Mendocino Environmental Center Newsletter, Issue 28

from Multimedia Library Collection:
Earth First! Movement Writings

Mendocino Environmental Center Newsletter, Issue 28, front page

Mendocino Environmental Center Newsletter, Issue 28 (Summer 1998). Environment and Society Portal. Multimedia Library.

This issue of Mendocino Environmental Center Newsletter features stories on Julia Hill’s tree sit anniversary, printing a local currency called Ukiah Hour, and the future of Masonite.   

Imagine this: You are about to pay for a breakfast at your favorite cafe. You open your wallet and find, not just one, but two kinds of money. You’re not in a foreign country. You’re in Ukiah. There’s the familiar U.S. dollar and there’s that other bill. It feels like money. It looks like money. But it is measured in hours, “UKIAH HOURS.”

—King Collins

All rights reserved. This issue is available at the library of the Rachel Carson Center at the LMU Munich. To request access for research purposes, contact us at

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