Copyright information

“The Wegener Diaries: Scientific Expeditions Into the Eternal Ice” was created by Christian Kehrt (2013) under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported International license. This refers only to the text and does not include image rights. Please click on an image to view its individual rights status. Thumbnails of the following images appear on the exhibition landing page:

Ice wall in Greenland. Unknown photographer, 1912–1913.

Public Domain. Koch, Johann Peter. Durch die weiße Wüste: Die dänische Forschungsreise quer durch Grönland 1912/13. Berlin: Springer, 1919: 210.


Walk over ice cap. Unknown photographer, 1912–1913.

Public Domain. Koch, Johann Peter. Durch die weiße Wüste: Die dänische Forschungsreise quer durch Grönland 1912/13. Berlin: Springer, 1919: 216.


Ernst Sorge and Johannes Georgi, around 1930. Photograph by Fritz Loewe.

All rights reserved. © 1930 Fritz Loewe. Courtesy of the Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung (AWI).


Alfred Wegener (to the right) and Gustav Thostrup (1877–1955), second officer of the Danmark. Unknown photographer, 1906–1908.

Public Domain. Friis, Achton. Im Grönlandeis mit Mylius-Erichsen: Die Danmark-Expedition 1906–1908. Leipzig: Otto Spamer, 1910: 351.


Portrait of Alfred Wegener (1880–1930). German meteorologist and important contributor to the theory of continental drift. Unknown photographer, n.d.

All rights reserved. © Deutsches Museum, Archiv (BN_30985).


The last photo of Alfred Wegener, Greenland 1930.

Public Domain. Georgi, Johannes. Im Eis vergraben: Erlebnisse auf Station „Eismitte“ der letzten Grönlandexpedition Alfred Wegeners 1930-1931, 5th ed. (Munich: Müller, 1938), 125.


Pilot ballon experiment in Western Greenland

All rights reserved. © Franz Kebl. Courtesy of Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung (AWI)




How to cite:

Note: This version, published in 2020, includes minor updates to the original 2013 virtual exhibition (view PDF here) and applies the Environment & Society Portal’s responsive layout.

To cite from the diaries:
Alfred Wegener, Tagebücher, June 1906 – September 1930. Deutsches Museum Archiv, NL 001, in Christian Kehrt, “The Wegener Diaries: Scientific Expeditions Into the Eternal Ice.”  Environment & Society Portal,Virtual Exhibitions 2013, no.2 [updated 6 February 2020]. Version 2.0. Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society.

To cite from the exhibition:
Kehrt, Christian. “The Wegener Diaries: Scientific Expeditions Into the Eternal Ice.” Environment & Society Portal, Virtual Exhibitions 2013, no.2 [updated 6 February 2020]. Version 2.0. Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society.

ISSN 2198-7696 Environment & Society Portal, Virtual Exhibitions