Interview with Anna M. Gade, author of Muslim Environmentalisms: Religious and Social Foundations

Petersen, Kristian | from Multimedia Library Collection:
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Petersen, Kristian. “Anna M. Gade, ‘Muslim Environmentalisms: Religious and Social Foundations.’” New Books in Islamic Studies, January 24, 2020. Mp3, 55:40.

The relationship between Islam and the environment has a long and rich history across various Muslim societies. Anna M. Gade, Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, outlines several strains where these domains intersect in her book Muslim Environmentalisms: Religious and Social Foundations (Columbia University Press, 2019). Gade takes the reader through a number of literary and scriptural sources that Muslims have deployed over history but also steeps her analysis in decades of on the ground ethnographic fieldwork, especially in Southeast Asia. Specific examples reveal the interplay between local, regional, and global contexts as interpretive positions shift and realign across each theme. This combination creates a productive template for rethinking Muslim environmentalism within the larger framework of the Environmental Humanities. In our conversation we discussed Qur’anic theological resources and themes, environmentalism and development work, legal and ethical contexts, ideals of environmental justice, Muslim humanistic traditions, eco-sufism, devotional rituals and popular piety, ethnographic video materials for course use, and green Islam in Indonesia. (Source: New Books Network)

In this episode of New Books in Islamic Studies, Kristian Petersen interviews Anna M. Gade, author of Muslim Environmentalisms: Religious and Social Foundations.

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