Death and Life of Nature in Asian Cities

Rademacher, Anne, and K. Sivaramakrishnan | from Multimedia Library Collection:
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Death and Life of Nature in Asian Cities. Cover.

Rademacher, Anne, and K. Sivaramakrishnan. Death and Life of Nature in Asian Cities. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2021.

Death and Life of Nature in Asian Cities explores the encounter between two processes that are unfolding in diverse patterns across Asia—the rapid urbanization of Asia across big cities, smaller towns, and the newest urban concentrations; and the contentious debates and novel schemes by which nature is figured and emplaced in cities and their conurbations. Contemporary Asian cities displace nature by causing its death and withering, but also embrace it through acts of renewal and the pursuit of sustainability. Contributors in this volume gather case studies from across Asia to address projects of urban greening and reimagining nature in urban life. The book illustrates how the intersection of urban growth and urban nature is a place rich with fresh ideas about urban planning, governance, and social life. This book illuminates a continuing process of discovery and regeneration through which urban natures may well be moving from taken-for-granted infrastructures to more consciously experienced sites of interplay between non-human life and materials, and daily human life experiences. Debates and efforts to recover nature in the city provoke moral and ethical evaluations of the human ecology of city life, and direct ecologies of urbanism into new avenues like aesthetics, care, perception, and stewardship. (Source: Hong Kong University Press)

Anne Rademacher is  professor of environmental studies at New York University and a former research fellow of the Rachel Carson Center. K. Sivaramakrishnan is Dinakar Singh professor of anthropology and professor in the School of the Environment at Yale University.

The copyright of this chapter is exclusively held by Hong Kong University Press.

© 2021 Hong Kong University Press