
GeoNames ID: 
357 994

Whose Anthropocene? Revisiting Dipesh Chakrabarty’s “Four Theses”

About this issue

In “The Climate of History: Four Theses,” Dipesh Chakrabarty examined the idea of the Anthropocene—the dawn of a new geological period dominated by human activities—in the context of history and philosophy, raising fundamental questions about how we think historically in an era when human and geological timescales are colliding.This volume of RCC Perspectives offers critiques of these “Four Theses” by scholars of environmental history, political philosophy, religious studies, literary criticism, environmental planning, geography, law, biology, and geology.


Dammed Water: Water as a National Commodity

A cultural and historical analysis of the recent past of the Nile Valley shows how interpretations and perceptions of territory, space, and nature are not necessarily indisputably “true” and definitive principles. On the contrary, they are constructed and, therefore, changeable.