
Region Related Areas: 
Europe, Western Europe, Central Europe
GeoNames ID: 
2 921 044

Introduction to the Exhibition

Introduction to the Exhibition

This virtual exhibition features, in English translation, short excerpts from German-language literary texts that address human-nature entanglements. The aim is to show how literature can contribute to understanding and problematizing the relation between humans and nonhuman nature. What aspects of human-nature relations are addressed, at what point in literary history, and how are they shaped poetically? For the German-language version of this exhibition, click here.

Further Reading

Further Reading

What follows is a selected bibliography on Munich’s environmental history. The list is not comprehensive, but is intended merely as an introduction for readers interested in learning more about some of the research from which the exhibition Ecopolis draws. Most titles are in German.


Abfallwirtschaftsbetrieb München. 125 Jahre Münchner Müllabfuhr. Jubiläumsschrift 1891–2016. München: Abfallwirtschaftsbetrieb München, 2016.

Munich and the Isar

Munich and the Isar

Munich and the Isar: The City Makes the River?

Democratic Green

Democratic Green

Democratic Green: Who Owns the Olympiapark?

Beyond the Exhibition

Beyond the Exhibition

What is Particular about Munich’s Environment?

Munich from Below

Munich from Below

Munich from Below: What Happens Underground?

Euer Dorf soll schöner werden: Ländlicher Wandel, staatliche Planung und Demokratisierung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Euer Dorf soll schöner werden captures the transformation of Germany’s rural landscape through modernization between 1961 and 1979, through the inter-village contest, “Unser Dorf soll schöner werden” (“May our village become more beautiful”).