
Region Related Areas: 
GeoNames ID: 
6 255 148

"Moving Beyond the Nation State? Reflections on European Environmental History"

This historiographical essay outlines and discusses major trends within European environmental history by highlighting recent discussions and future possibilities regarding collaboration across national borders and contexts, and ultimately arguing for more transnational cooperation within the field of environmental history.

Learning to Celebrate Our Human Footprint

Society’s approach to environmental protection has so far relied on certain prevailing, but perhaps specious, beliefs—that we cannot impact the environment positively, or that environmental protection is incompatible with economic growth. Braungart explores how, rather than making ineffective changes to an already broken system, it would be more beneficial to rethink that system entirely.

Fault Lines: Earthquakes and Urbanism in Modern Italy

Earthquakes occur along fault lines, sometimes with disastrous effects. These disturbances can significantly influence urban development, as seen in the aftermath of two earthquakes in Italy. Fault Lines follows the history of these places before and after their destruction, explores plans and developments that preceded the disasters, and the urbanism that emerged from the ruins.