Green Versus Gold: Sources in California's Environmental History
Green Versus Gold examines California’s environmental history, ranging from its Native American past to conflicts and movements of recent decades.
Green Versus Gold examines California’s environmental history, ranging from its Native American past to conflicts and movements of recent decades.
A collection of essays examining the tortured environmental history of Pittsburgh, a region blessed with an abundance of natural resources as well as a history of intensive industrial development.
The Monkey Wrench Gang fueled a new generation of angry young environmentalists (such as Earth First!) who practice monkey-wrenching, or sabotage for the sake of protecting the wilderness.
Nature of the Miracle Years traces the gradual development of the German conservation movement through the democratization perido of postwar German society.
This book is an exploration of the environmental makings and contested historical trajectories of environmental change in Turkey.
Environmental history is becoming increasingly important in research, teaching, and public outreach.
Excerpt from the book Greening Europe: Environmental Protection in the Long Twentieth Century – A Handbook.