Content Index

This Earth First! tabloid describes negative impacts of the U.S. Forest Service on national forests. Topics include reform proposals for the USFS, the role of deep ecology, the destruction of eco-systems across the U.S., abuse of Native American cultural heritage, and a call for the protection of national forests.

This special “Samhain-Yule” issue of Earth First! is dedicated to Samhain, the Celtic term for “summer’s end,” a time to reassess goals and strategies. It discusses endangered rivers, tar sands, protection from environmental degradation, information about US climate justice activism (MCJ), the “Green Scare,” Deep Ecology, and the G20 Summit. Letters to the editor and songs are included as well.

In this 1995 annual report, the Fund for Wild Nature focuses on current anti-environmental politics and the skirting of environmental laws. The purpose of the fund, its funding guidelines, areas of support, and grant projects are laid out. Their intent is to foster connections among diverse groups with the underlying philosophy of Deep Ecology.

This undated [1990?] issue of Earth First! outlines the motivations and philosophy of the Earth First! movement. It includes a “Direct action 101” primer by Ed Abbey and a guide for forming Earth First! groups.

This is the first issue of Earth First! News, intended as a compendium of direct action, resistance, and environmental news. The EF! Journal collective compiled and edited this newsletter, intending to share this responsibility with other EF! collectives in the future.

This Earth First! tabloid offers a citizen’s primer to the U.S. Forest Service and its negative impact on national forests, written by Howie Wolke.

This introductory guide to the Earth First! movement was produced by The Earth First! Journal as a service for Earth First! local groups. It includes the purpose and definition of Earth First!, their philosophy, gatherings, an EF! International section, and EF! projects. This edition focuses on extinction and prevention of wildlife destruction. It contains a guide to direct action by Edward Abbey and a guide for forming Earth First! groups.

This four-page newsletter from the Ukiah Earth First! chapter recounts a number of actions taken in protest against the clearing of old-growth redwoods, provides an update on the Cahto Wildnerness Coalition lawsuit, and shares a call to action.

This 1988 newsletter was created by the Earth First! Redwood Action Team. It includes updates on court hearings and lawsuits, preservation proposals, and a call to action.

This issue of Earth First! News chronicles direct action and events on fracking, anti-coal, -logging, and -mining, wildlife, pollution, fossil fuel extraction, and the Earth First! Prisoner Support Project, from March to July 2012.