Content Index

In this issue of Earth First! Journal Annie Glade expresses her opinions on the human race in her editorial with the title “Suppression of Truth,” Jonathan Crowell reports from the protests against the Aryan Nations, and Thomas Kocherry discusses globalization and whether it leads to development or destruction.

In this issue of Earth First! Journal Tim LaPietra and Errol Schweizer draw attention to the struggles of the working class and communities of color in order to broaden EF!’s perspective. In addition, Emily Wolf and Stephanie Tidwell report from road blockades used to protest against the expansion of Vail ski resort in Colorado, Jenni McGowan provides a broader look at biotechnology, and Karen Pickett gives her view on the annual MAXXAM shareholders meeting in Houston.

In this issue of Earth First! Journal Alan Featherstone gives an update on the protest of Australian activists against the logging of old growth in Karr, Anne Petermann discusses culture diversity and racism within the EF! movement, and Fernando Reals holds the US Navy responsible for eco-cide, imperialism, colonialism, and militarization in Puerto Rico.

In this issue of Earth First! Journal Cecelia Rodriguez brings devastating news about the murder of Ingrid Washinawatok and two other activists. In addition, Bob Greenberg proposes new directions for the EF! movement, Karen Pickett gives an update on the Headwaters forest deal signed by government agencies and Pacific Lumber/MAXXAM, and Jim Kleissler suggests that the Forest Service might monitor American citizens.

In this issue of Earth First! Journal Brian Tokar focuses on genetic engineering and other types of biotechnology, Katúah Earth First! in Northern Georgia, US, relays news of struggles and triumphs in that region, and John Bowling reports from the British EF! winter meeting.

In this issue of Earth First! Journal Ron Coronado discusses the politics of protest, Kris Maenz gives an update on the hunger strike of jailed English animal rights activist Barry Horne, and Jimmy Demos explores the reaches and pollution of the Mississippi.

In this issue of Earth First! Journal Karen Picket reports on the tragic incident during the protests against logging in the Headwaters forest, and several pages are dedicated to David “Gypsy” Chain’s memorial. In addition, Josh Laughlin contributes an interview with prominent redwood activist Julia Butterfly, and George Monbiot discusses how to exploit the media.

In this issue of Earth First! Journal Bron Taylor and Leslie Hemstreet discuss the dismantling of dams throughout the US, Winona LaDuke calls for attention to the Yellowstone buffalo, Patrick Diehl shares his opinion on the failure of the Ward Valley campaign, and Ike Okonta reports on the violent Chevron reaction to the peaceful protest in llaje, Nigeria.

In this issue of Earth First! Journal James A. Barnes and Craig Beneville report about an assembly of anti-environmentalists on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. In addition, John Hallam gives an update on the protests against the Jabiluka mine in Australia, and Errol Schweizer contributes a piece on “Radical Ecology from the Urban Jungle.”

In this issue of Earth First! Journal Josh Brown and Patrick Oliver give an update on the protests in Headwaters forest, Ayelet Hines sheds light on genetic engineering, Marty Bergoffen explains how the Endangered Species Act (ESA) is a recipe for extinction, and Leslie Call reviews a book about Glen Canyon.