Content Index

After decades of unmonitored biological weapons testing and discarding of hazardous chemicals into unlined waste disposal pits, the groundwater surrounding Fort Detrick in Maryland was found to contain high levels of toxic waste, including dangerous carcinogens.

In Java, Indonesia, the State Forestry Agency (SFA) controls valuable production forests and views local peasant farmers as a threat. As a result, the SFA has established a militaristic style of forest security that also functions as a form of social control on the island.

The Reserve Mining Company discharged taconite tailings directly into Lake Superior for 25 years, creating a massive tailings delta and polluting the waters of the lake. When the EPA took Reserve to court in 1973, the town of Silver Bay was divided between a struggle for economic well-being and public health.

The first United Nations conference on the Law of Sea (UNCLOS I) was held in Geneva in 1958. It sought to codify various aspects of the law of the sea, including the conservation of living resources.

Wild Earth 2, no. 2., with an update on the Wildlands Project and essays on: forest health and forestry, the practical relevance of deep ecology, and ancient forest legislation.

In this issue of Earth First! Dave Foreman posits that the United States Forest Service has assaulted big wilderness areas in the 1920-30s.

On 3 June 1979 the Ixtoc I oil rig exploded in the Bay of Campeche in the Gulf of Mexico, and a continuous flow of oil released into the marine environment for nine months. Oil pollution reached coastlines and beaches, and damaged local shrimp populations.

In this memo to “the leading intellectual and literary lights of EARTH FIRST,” Dave Foreman drafts the principles of the new Earth First organization, along with a draft membership brochure.

This issue of Earth First! is filled with news regarding various environmental issues as well as letters from dedicated readers.

In this issue of Earth First!, Peter Dustrud states: “We are not, and the Earth is not, alive because of power first, greed first, progress first or war first—we are alive due to the Earth First—always have been, always will be. We are Earth First!ers! The survival of this one and only planet we have is what counts.”