Content Index

Denis Wood shows how maps are not impartial reference objects, but rather instruments of communication, persuasion, and power.

This book catalyzes the reflection about the aesthetic and spiritual dimension in the environmental humanities and offers transdisciplinary insights into the challenge of sustainability and ongoing changes in our society and environment.

Shot over three years, Drowned Out tells the true story of one family’s inspired stand against the building of the Narmada Dam and the destruction of their land, homes and culture.

The true story of the postman and gardener who took on McDonald’s—and won.

This docudrama revolves around a man living in the devastated future world of 2055, looking back at old footage from our time and asking: Why didn’t we stop climate change when we had the chance?

This documentary shows how the local population of Tanzania has been evicted to make way for the creation of the world’s most famous nature reserves.

Director Tomoko Kana compares three islands in different geographies and their adaptation to the impact of climate change through a portrayalof the inhabitants’ daily lives.

The film follows the trial of Nicaraguan banana farmers against the Dole company.

The film depicts how modern food production companies employ technology to maximize efficiency, consumer safety, and profit.

Blood in the Mobile is the story about how our phones are connected to illegal mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo.