Content Index

A severe famine in Ethiopia and Eritrea affects eight million people.

The “Grüne Punkt” (Green Point) symbol shapes Germany’s recycling system.

Jane Goodall begins her decades-long study of social interactions of wild chimpanzees in Gombe Stream National Park, Tanzania.

In 1971, Biruté Galdikas begins her long-term study of wild orangutans, which would greatly expand human scientific knowledge on these primates.

The French engineer Eugene Houdry patents the catalytic converter.

With the introduction of more powerful firearms, elephant hunting and the trade of ivory increase dramatically in the mid-nineteenth century.

David Brower, a former Executive Director of the Sierra Club, founds the environmental network “Friends of the Earth” to promote solutions for environmentally sustainable and socially just societies.

The 1986 Chernobyl disaster is the worst nuclear accident in history. It has become a symbol for the potential dangers of nuclear energy.

The oil production and related infrastructural developments severely disrupt the natural equilibrium of this West African ecosystem.

Commissioned by the Club of Rome and published in 1972, the report warned that unchanged population growth and resource consumption would dramatically worsen the conditions for humanity in the near future.