Content Index

Minstrels (or waits) in the 15th century Port of Sandwich walked the streets at night and woke mariners with information about wind directions…

While their paintings and photographs sometimes helped to secure the protection of particular places, nineteenth-century artists often showed little respect for the environment when they set about securing their views.

The British were not the only foreign rulers to bring ecological catastrophe to India. Large areas of forest had been destroyed under the Moguls in the 17th century…

This paper takes the case of the cinchona tree to examine the rhetoric of colonial science in conjunction with its economic and political functions.

This paper argues that much historical and political analysis of Zimbabwe neglects a crucial resource: water.

This article argues that local religious institutions are used by ruling lineages for political control, to grant preferential access to particular resources, and to enhance political hegemony.

This article presents some local understandings of ecological history in a semi-arid area of Zimbabwe as an exploration of how changes in land use that reflect both local initiative and state planning have transformed the hydrology of local catchments of heavy clay ‘mopani soils’ and greatly accelerated soil erosion.

Focusing first on official discourse and the conflict which accompanied the passage of early conservation legislation, this article then looks at the different interpretations of the effects of implementation in Shurugwi communal area.

The review of an introduction to environmental history by an historical geographer and of a comprehensive account of the Valasian bisses with directions for twenty one walks, the work of a former British consul in Geneva.

Olwig asserts that the discipline we now know as environmental history owes a great deal of its impetus to the emergence at the beginning of the nineteenth century of a socially engaged and environmentally committed interdisciplinary ‘proto-discipline.’