Content Index

Teena Gabrielson examines the visual politics at work in website photographs depicting environmental justice issues in the United States. She argues for a more inclusive socio-ecological politics which requires visual strategies that resist racialized ways of seeing and make visible the injustice of disproportionate environmental impacts on low-income communities and people of color.

The authors highlight how the Indian state increasingly views adivasis (=indigenous people) as a possible ethno-environmental fix for conservation, and how non-adivasis project their environmental subjectivities to claim that they, too, belong.

Through an ethnographic account about the use of an electromagnetic water system in the Amish community, Nicole Welk-Joerger explores the conceptual meeting ground between sacred and secular worldviews in efforts that address the Anthropocene.

This paper uses data from a long-term ethnography of both the local people and the conservation agenda in the Pantanal wetland, Brazil, to discuss how environmentalists used the National Policy for the Sustainable Development of Traditional Peoples and Communities (PNDSPCT) to justify the displacement of local people.

Julie E. Hughes reviews the book The Last White Hunter: Reminiscences of a Colonial Shikari by Donald Anderson, with Joshua Mathew.

Bas Verschuuren reviews the book Indigenous Sacred Natural Sites and Spiritual Governance: The Legal Case for Juristic Personhood by John Studley.

This paper uses a comparative case study approach to explore the individual and societal desire to maintain current lion populations alongside communities in Zimbabwe’s Hwange National Park, Tanzania’s Ruaha National Park, and Kenya’s southern Maasailand.

Triangulating narratives from a prospective mining site in northern Norway, Hugo Reinert works to identify (and render graspable) a particular effect of retroactive shock—tracing its resonance through experiences of chemical exposure, colonial racism, cultural erasure, and destruction of the built environment.

This article explores the impact of extensive pesticide use in Nicaragua after World War Two.

This article investigates the pollution of the Ergene River as an outcome of the hegemonic cosmology in Turkey.