Content Index

Within a vegetarian ecofeminist framework, Pilgrim analyses three popular nonfiction books that construct narratives around the story of meat.

Greaves responds to J. Baird Callicott’s “A NeoPresocratic Manifesto” with an alterative conception of the project of the Presocratics, inspired by the Heraclitean notion of unity in oppostion.

The authors develop “composting” as a metaphor for their two main arguments: that certain feminist concepts and commitments are foundational to the environmental humanities, and that more inclusive feminist composting is necessary for the future of the field.

The third episode of the Crosscurrents podcast series focuses on the relationship between mental health and public safety for workers through the research conducted by Rose Ricciardelli, Associate Professor at Memorial University of Newfoundland.

The fifth episode of the Crosscurrents podcast series, John Sandlos interviews Ashlee Cunsolo on the concept of ecological grief among indigenous communities in Labrador, Canada; Sean Kheraj speaks about the history of the Trans Mountain Pipeline Project.

The fourth episode of the Crosscurrents podcast series focuses on professor David Wilson´s latest research on Irish organized nationalism in Canada between 1866 and 1871.

The second episode of the Crosscurrents podcast series focuses on how the Civic Laboratory for Environmental Action Research (CLEAR) approaches issues of social justice and equity in their research.

Explorers of the Canadian Arctic misrepresented the land as a snowscape while tundra plants were simultaneously collected for botanic collections.

This article discusses how local perspectives influence the recognition and control of a locust outbreak.

To live among the stars always meant solving the down-to-earth problem of sustainable waste management.