
Earth First! 23, no. 4

In Earth First! 23, no. 4 Patrick Reinsborough reports on the massive uprising in San Francisco against the US invasion of Iraq, James John Bell draws the connections between literature and eco-resistance, Sprig reflects on water and civilization, and Stiki presents the “ecoherbalist’s manifesto.”

Earth First! Journal 23, no. 1

Earth First! Journal 23, no. 1 is dedicated to the topic of direct action: it feature a report on the 2002 Round River Rendezvous and the Eco-Bloc against the World Bank and IMF, both in Washington, and presents the Rupert Reverence, a group of dissident Cree, French Canadian locals and eco-tourist companies.

Earth First! Journal 22, no. 6

Earth First! Journal 22, no. 6 features news from the fight of Colombia’s indigenous U’wa people against Occidental Petroleum (OXY) and Judi Bari’s court success against the FBI; additionally the environmental significance of J.R.R. Tolkiens Lord of the Rings is analyzed, and accounts from an ELF activist are presented.

Earth First! Journal 22, no. 1

This issue of Earth First! Journal features various visions of war and peace. In addition, Alicia Littletree and Strongwood give an update on the bombing of Judi Bari and their fight against the FBI, Tjalve Torstjener calls for attention to how paper company Norske Skog kills 1000 species in Norway, and Larry Lohmann discusses racism.