Silent Spring, an International Best Seller
Silent Spring, an International Best Seller
This is Chapter 8 of the exhibition “Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring: A book that changed the world” by historian Mark Stoll.
This is Chapter 8 of the exhibition “Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring: A book that changed the world” by historian Mark Stoll.
This is Chapter 6 of the exhibition “Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring: A book that changed the world” by historian Mark Stoll.
This is Chapter 3 of the exhibition “Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring: A book that changed the world” by historian Mark Stoll.
This is Chapter 2 of the exhibition “Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring: A book that changed the world” by historian Mark Stoll.
This is Chapter 1 of the exhibition “Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring: A book that changed the world” by historian Mark Stoll.
Overview of the exhibition “Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring: A book that changed the world” by historian Mark Stoll. This exhibition presents the global reception and impact of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring.
In this introduction to a special section on toxic embodiment, Olga Cielemęcka and Cecilia Åsberg examine variously situated bodies, land- and waterscapes, and their naturalcultural interactions with toxicity.