
ALARM no. 5

The ALARM no. 5 reports on regional Earth First! direct actions; Mike Z. gives an update on Dartmouth students’ and locals’ protest in favor of divestment from Hydro-Quebec. Orin Langelle reports on the First International Temperate Forest Conference (FITFC) in Tasmania; and the editors reprint a biotechnology-critical statement from the left-radical Dutch paper Konfrontatie.

ALARM no. 7

With issue 7, the ALARM changes its subtitle from “a voice of northeast Earth First!” to “a voice of revolutionary ecology” to reflect the feeling of the group Biodiversity Liberation Front EF! that it was too great a responsibility for one group to represent the entire region. While they will continue to report about EF! actions, they wish to draw on a revolutionary ecology perspective to form a more broadly based movement.

Earth First! 27, no. 1

Earth First! 27, no. 1 reports on topics such as coal mining in Bangladesh, uprising against the fossil-fuel industry in the UK, the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, and genetically modified organisms escaping their test sites and getting into the food supply.