
Garcia-Lopez, Gustavo A., and Camille Antinori, "Between Grassroots Collective Action and State Mandates: The Hybridity of Multi-Level Forest Associations in Mexico"

Gustavo A. Garcia-Lopez and Camille Antinori trace and analyze the historical processes driving formation and change of Mexican inter-community forestry associations over time, drawing on survey data and in-depth case studies from two Mexican states.

Plastic China

A woman and her family live next to a recycling plant in China, in mountains of plastic waste from Asia, Europe, and the U.S.This documentary reveals the lives of those on the fringes of global capitalist realities, a far cry from the communist dream.

"The Tragedy of Limitless Growth: Re-Interpreting the Tragedy of the Commons for a Century of Climate Change"

Matthew MacLellan argues that Garrett Hardin’s primary object of critique in his influential “The Tragedy of the Commons” is not the commons or shared property at all—as is almost universally assumed by Hardin’s critics—but is rather Adam Smith’s theory of markets and its viability for protecting scarce resources.

"Rangeland Use Rights Privatisation Based on the Tragedy of the Commons: A Case Study from Tibet"

Yonten Nyima Yundannima provides an empirical analysis of rangeland use rights privatization through an empirical case study from Pelgon county in the Tibet Autonomous Region in China. She criticizes the applicability of the tragedy of the commons model to Tibetan pastoralism, arguing that this has led to a disruption of the essence of pastoralism in the region.