nature reserves

Jasper National Park

This 1928 book by Mabel Bertha Williams is considered one of the finest parks guidebooks of the 1920s. With fine illustrations and photographs, it details the general character of the Jasper National Park as well as its historical, geographical, and biological information.

"Ju/'hoansi Lodging in a Namibian Conservancy: CBNRM, Tourism and Increasing Domination"

In this Special Section on the Green Economy in the South, Stasja Koot and Walter van Beek argue that a Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) program in the Nyae Nyae Conservancy in Namibia, with a strong focus on tourism, has dominated and changed the environment of the Ju/’hoansi Bushmen.

"Indicators for Ecosystem Conservation and Protected Area Designation in the Mediterranean Context"

El-Hajj Rita, Khater Carla, Tatoni Thierry, Ali Adam and Vela Errol present a review of ecological and socioeconomic indicators globally used to orient conservation planning on the global and national levels. Their paper suggests a set of suitable, relevant, and practical set of indicators, adapted to Mediterranean-type continental environments.